Overview Statistics for Geograph Channel Islands

  Channel Islands Total
Images Submitted 2,502 2,502
 [in past 7 days] 0 0
1km2 Grid Squares 279
 [as percentage] 77.500% 77.500%
 [with geograph(s)] 261 261
10km x 10km Squares
100km x 100km Squares
Clickable map

The Geograph Centre for images is: In Channel Islands unknown, near to , .

More Statistics

User leaderboards: Weekly, All Time, By Month, First Hectads, Hectads and Most in One Day

Covering the squares?:

None: Hectads (10km x 10km Squares) - shrinking all the time!

Mostly: Grid Squares & Hectads and Myriads (100 x 100 Squares).

Fully: Hectads (10 x 10 Squares) - including Large Mosaic!

Graph: Gridsquares, Hectad Coverage

Past Activity:

Graphs: Weekly Submissions, Overall Submissions, Contributor Graphs.

Monthly Breakdown: Submissions, Date Taken, User Signups, Forum Posts and Change Suggestions.

Hourly and Weekday Breakdown: Submissions, Date Taken, User Signups and Forum Posts.

Most in a day: Submissions, Images Taken, Users and Forum Posts (Users,Topics).

Yearly Saturation: Submissions, Images Taken and Forum Posts.

Forum Topic Leaderboards: Most Popular Threads and By Thumbnails Used

View breakdown of images by in

More Technical Database Stats:
Geograph Pulse, Current Totals, Classification Breakdown and Future Estimates.

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