WA6007 : North-east corner of Raz Island Fort

North-east corner of Raz Island Fort
At the north-east corner of Raz Island Fort lie the rounded gateway defences which can be seen at the right of this picture overlooking the southern end of the access causeway.
year taken
- Grid Square
- WA6007 (more nearby)
- Photographer
- Ruth Riddle (find more nearby)
- Image classification
- Geograph (First for WA6007)
- Date Taken
- Monday, 25 May, 1998 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Wednesday, 30 May, 2012
- Category
- Fort (more nearby)
- Subject Location
WA 6001 0768 [10m precision]
WGS84: 49:43.1178N 2:10.0500W - Photographer Location
WA 6030 0762
- View Direction
- West-northwest (about 292 degrees)